Ageism and Intergenerational relationships in the workplace and society

Event Details


Date and Time

Tue, 6 September 2022

13:00 - 14:00


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Event Details


Date and Time

Tue, 6 September 2022

13:00 - 14:00


Online via Zoom- Zoom link will only be available on IOB Learn

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Event details

IOB is delighted to be joined by Dr. Catherine Elliott O’Dare on the topic of ageism and intergenerational workplaces. With people living longer lives and choosing to work past a traditional retirement age, workforces are now a combination of employees from several generations. How do we avoid intergenerational stereotypes and embrace the age diversity in the workforce? Dr. Elliot O’Date will also discuss the topic of ageism in the workplace and the steps we can take to tackle it.

There is 0.5 CPD hours for the following designations:

  • Professional Banker

  • Chartered Banker

  • LCI

  • FCOI (Compliance)

  • FCOI (Ethics)

  • CECA

Dr Catherine Elliott O’Dare

Dr Catherine Elliott O'Dare is Assistant Professor in Social Policy at the School of Social Work and Social Policy. Catherine earned her doctorate at Trinity College Dublin, awarded in 2019. As a social scientist, Catherine's research interests include intergenerational solidarity, friendship, the social aspects of ageing - work, society and ageism (with an overarching emphasis on equality and social inclusion) and qualitative research methods. Catherine's recent research on intergenerational friendship and ageism have generated high impact publications including lead-authored articles in Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du vieillissement, Journal of Aging Studies, Ageing and Society, Social Inclusion and two co-authored methodological papers published in Qualitative Health Research, and International Journal of Qualitative Methods. Catherine's current research focus is on older workers. In addition to publications, Catherine has participated in international conferences [including in Finland, Germany, UK, and Norway] and nationally. Catherine has also engaged with enterprise and interest organisations on the topics of ageism and intergenerational relations in the work place and society.

Dr Catherine Elliott O’Dare