Terms and conditions



The Institute of Bankers in Ireland is a company limited by guarantee, registered under Part 18 of the Companies Act 2014, and does not have a share capital. It trades as IOB. It is a not-for-profit organisation. IOB is governed by a board of directors known as the Council. The President, who chairs Council, Deputy President, and an Independent Council member are elected at the IOB's Annual General Meeting. IOB's Corporate members appoint and elect some members to the Council, while certain categories of professional members of IOB also elect members to Council.

By becoming a Member of IOB, you agree to be bound by the Articles and Bye-Laws of The Institute of Bankers in Ireland (trading as IOB). You can read these under Documents.

IOB’s membership fee is applicable upon joining and the annual fee falls due on 1st January each year. Therefore, when you become a member, a membership joining fee is applicable relating to the current calendar year. Your annual membership fee for the following and subsequent years will then become due on 1st January. Payment of annual membership subscriptions is accepted by either Direct Debit , Salary deduction or by invoice to your employer (where your employer has agreed to pay your membership fee on your behalf).

If you wish to cancel your IOB membership you must inform us of your cancellation by completing this form Cancellation Form in advance of the following membership year or you may incur membership fees for that year.

In order for us to communicate with you effectively it is your responsibility to ensure that your personal information is up to date with us at all times, in particular, your email address and mobile phone number. You can update your personal information online at iob.ie (by logging into IOB Learn , under My Details). Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any difficulty with this.

Affiliate Trial Membership Affiliate Trial Membership is an opportunity for those who are new to IOB to sample the benefits of membership for a limited trial period only and without incurring a membership fee during the limited trial period. At the end of this limited trial period (31 December 2022) the Affiliate Trial Membership will cease, and you will have to purchase IOB Affiliate Membership to continue to access the full suite of membership benefits. Only individuals can sign up to Affiliate Trial Membership and this offer of free Affiliate Trial Membership can only be availed of once per individual. As an Affiliate Trial Member, you agree to be bound by the Articles and Bye-Laws of The Institute of Bankers in Ireland (trading as IOB). You can read these under Documents. In order for us to communicate with you effectively it is your responsibility to ensure that your personal information is up to date with us at all times, in particular, your email address and mobile phone number. You can update your personal information online at iob.ie (by logging into IOB Learn, under My Details). Please contact us at [email protected] if you have a difficulty with this. 

If you wish to cancel your Affiliate Trial Membership of IOB before your trial period ends, you must inform us of your intention to cancel in writing by email to [email protected] or by post to Learner Services, IOB, 1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1. 

As an Affiliate Trial Member, you will have access to; 

If you wish to register for an IOB programme (including a UCD accredited programme) you will need to become a member of IOB and purchase IOB Affiliate Membership as well as meeting the relevant programme entry criteria. 

Registering to a Programme



Applicants to a programme are required to meet the entry criteria as stated in each programme overview before a registration can be processed. If you are applying to a programme and therefore registering for the first time, the verification of documentation relating to admissions criteria (for example transcripts, work references) may be required and so early registration is strongly recommended. Applications from members who do not meet the standard admission requirements in particular often require extra time for verification and processing. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit full documentation in advance of the closing date.

Level 7 programme entry requirements

The second level educational requirements for employment in financial institutions are normally acceptable for entry (unless there are specific entry requirements stated in the programme overview). These educational requirements are five passes in the Leaving Certificate including English and Mathematics or five O Level/GCSE passes including English Language and Mathematics. Mature applicants, who are over 23 years of age on the proposed year of entry, are exempt from these entry criteria. Applicants under 23 years of age on the proposed year of entry are required to send in a copy of their Leaving Certificate/GCSE results.

Level 8 and 9 entry requirements

Level 8 and 9 entry requirements are specified under each programme. If you are using prior learning in other institutions as grounds for entry, registration is complete on receipt of an original transcript of results. A transcript of results is a formal document from an institution listing the modules studied, credits involved, grades achieved and final category of award. Note, a parchment cannot be accepted as the equivalent.

English Language requirements

Programme delivery in IOB is through the medium of English; therefore, applicants must demonstrate a high level of competence in the English language to be admitted to study. Students on IOB's academic programmes must meet the minimum English language requirements as described on Minimum English Language Requirements - UCD Registry


In order to register to an IOB programme you must become and remain a current member of IOB (excluding Affiliate Trial Membership) (see terms of Membership).

Minimum Numbers

All programmes are subject to minimum numbers and IOB reserves the right to cancel a programme if there are insufficient numbers. All dates are subject to change and in such cases amended dates will be published on our programme pages

Programme Participation

If you are registering for certain joint programmes (e.g. the Professional Certificate or Diploma in Compliance, Professional Certificate in Financial Crime Prevention, Professional Certificate in Data Protection, MSc in Compliance, Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning, MSC in Financial Services, Professional Certificate in Asset Management), membership of the Compliance Institute / ITI (Irish Taxation Institute) or LIA may be required and is stated in each programme overview.

On registration a notice of confirmation of your registration will be emailed to you and posted online to IOB Learn you should read this to confirm that the details are correct. If not, you should inform IOB as soon as possible. If you have not received a confirmation email within 10 working days of your initial submission you should contact us at [email protected] or +353 (0)1 611 6500.

Method of registration:

Registrations for level 7 programmes can be made online, by post or email using the relevant registration forms, or by telephone, except where an applicant is less than 23 years of age on year of application to the programme, in which case a Leaving Certificate transcript is required. Registrations for level 8 and level 9 programmes can be made by post or email only using the relevant registration forms. In all cases the terms and conditions as set out herein apply. Module registration forms are available at [email protected]. At peak times, due to large volumes of registrations received, it can take between 5 and 10 working days to process hardcopy registration forms (online registrations are processed in real time and hence are a very efficient method of registration). We must receive complete registration forms before the registration closing dates. Submission of incomplete forms will result in delays in processing your registration and/or your form being returned to you. IOB does not accept responsibility for delays in communications sent through the postal system or the internal mail system of your employer (if applicable).

All programme fees are payable in full in advance. Partial or incomplete payment will not be accepted and registrations that do not include the correct fees will not be processed.

Recommended workload:

You can register on a module-by-module basis to your programme. If you are registering for more than one module you should ensure that you have sufficient time available to dedicate to your studies. We strongly advise you to register on time, i.e. at the start of the semester, and to carefully estimate the workload of the modules you are registering to. A 5 ECTS credit module has a notional workload of 100-125 hours approximately and a 10 ECTS credit module has a notional workload of 200-250 hours. We strongly recommend no more than 10-15 ECTS credits in a semester.

Pre-requisites and co-requisites:

Some modules within programmes have pre-requisite or co-requisite modules. If you wish to register for a module that has pre-requisite module(s) you must have passed or be exempted from the prerequisite module before you register. If you wish to register for a module that has co-requisite module(s), you must have a simultaneous registration in, have passed or have been exempted from the co-requisite module before you register.

Module scheduling:

Core modules within a programme will not be examined at the same date and/or time. However, option modules may clash and you should check the examination dates of all modules before you register.

Concurrent programme registrations:

Under UCD regulations, students may not normally be registered concurrently to more than one programme of study. Students looking to register concurrently to multiple programmes need to request permission in writing from the Head of Registry in IOB contactable at [email protected].

Contact information:

In order for us to communicate with you it is important to ensure that your personal information is up-to-date at all times, in particular your email and mobile phone number as these are our primary methods of communicating with you about your Programme. You can update your personal information online at iob.ie (by logging into IOB Learn).

Where registrations are incomplete they will be subject to delay in processing or may be returned to you without having been processed. Registrations received after the closing date for level 8 and the late closing date in the case of level 7 will not be processed. There is no late closing date for level 7 programmes where lectures are involved.

Programmes at levels 8 and 9 have a withdrawal date, six weeks from the start of semester – no refunds of fees (examination, registration and membership) are possible after this date. There are no withdrawals after the late closing date in the case of level 7 programmes.


Subject as provided on the registration form, upon registration for this programme, participants will be registered to become a Contributor Member of PRMIA for 12 months from the date of confirmation of membership from PRMIA (this first 12 month subscription is included in the fee for this programme and will be paid to PRMIA on your behalf) and must commit to adhere to PRMIA Standards of Best Practice, Conduct and Ethics which can be viewed here. Participants who successfully complete the programme will be awarded the PRMIA Operational Risk Manager (ORM) Certificate. You can find more details about this certificate on their website. IOB has no responsibility for PRMIA or for the relationship between PRMIA and participants and will have no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever in connection with or arising out of such relationship including any admission of or failure to admit a person to membership, or award or failure to award a certificate to any person, or any use of participants’ personal information by PRMIA.


We support many of our programmes with customised online textbooks. A hard copy textbook is included for the Professional Certificate/Diploma in Financial Advice and the Professional Certificate in Consumer Credit. For some of our other programmes a hard copy textbook is available by request. The programme manager of the programme will advise for which programmes at the start of the trimester. If there is a textbook for your programme or if you have requested a textbook from IOB, we will send it to you before the start of the trimester or within 10 working days of your module registration being processed. You are responsible for ensuring the textbook is sent to the correct address. Where an address has been amended after a registration has been made it is your responsibility to locate the textbook at the address given at the time. We will provide our distribution company with your address and mobile number in order to deliver the textbook and to provide updates on the delivery. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have the most up-to-date materials for your studies, including an up-to-date textbook. You can find a copy of the most up-to-date textbook on IOB Learn  Re-registration students can request an up-to-date textbook free of charge, they are not automatically re-issued. An electronic version of the most up-to-date textbook is available to all students registered to a module.


Resits: If you are unsuccessful in a module, you will need to re-register for the module which will involve retaking all or part of the module. For further information you should refer to the “Communication of Assessment Results/Repeats & Resits – Information for Students” document available on iob.ie/studentinformation. Where you are required to re-sit or repeat a module, you should re-register to the relevant module at the next available sitting. Re-registration fees for modules are payable in advance. Students should also refer to the relevant Student Handbook for details on specific implications of not completing assessments (examinations or continuous assessment), in particular for programmes at level 8 and level 9, as this may have an impact on the overall award classification on completion of the programme. Not taking an assessment, when you are registered to a module, is considered an attempt at the assessment.


If you are unable to attend an examination due to extenuating circumstances, you should complete the extenuating circumstances form and submit it to the Head of Registry within 10 working days of the exam date. If approved, you will be reregistered to the NEXT available sitting of the relevant module. For further details on extenuating circumstances see iob.ie/studentinformation

Leave of Absence:

As a registered student on a programme, you are expected to study for a minimum of one module per semester/term. If you wish to take a break for a semester, you are required to formally request a Leave of Absence in advance of the semester and should contact the relevant programme manager for relevant information. Note that on return from a Leave of Absence, you are governed by IOB’s Rules, Regulations, Codes and policies and procedures in place on your return. You are also subject to the programme curriculum and programme requirements in place for the programme on return. The Institute cannot guarantee that the same modules available prior to or during a leave of absence period(s) will be available when you return.


You are considered registered to a programme unless you formally withdraw. To withdraw from a programme, you should contact the relevant programme manager for a Withdrawal Form.


You are advised that the conduct of the examinations is governed by the Examination Regulations of IOB. You must read these regulations and related procedures, available at iob.ie/studentinformation. Before beginning your examination, you will be asked to sign a declaration stating that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Examination Regulations. These regulations are based on UCD academic regulations.


IOB is a community of staff, students, members and graduates joined together for the common purpose of the advancement and dissemination of knowledge. The student code sets out the Disciplinary Regulations for students and is available from iob.ie/studentinformation


Credits for RPL may be awarded for some modules/programmes. For full details on RPL see iob.ie/rpl. Please note that all RPL applications should be submitted in advance of the semester closing date. Should a candidate be unsuccessful in a module examination they are precluded thereafter from applying for an exemption in that module.

The cost of an exemption application is indicated on the exemption application form or in the specific RPL guidelines for the programme. Note that the fee for RPL differs depending on whether the application refers to the recognition of experiential learning or certified/certificated prior learning prior study.


Name on Parchment:

If you are a previous student of UCD, any parchment issued to you will be in the name you registered previously with UCD. If you wish to have your name changed you should contact the conferring unit in UCD or log on to ucd.ie/confer/ for details on how to have your name updated on UCD’s system. Once the parchments are posted out to the student’s correct address, it is the students responsibility to follow up with An Post should they not receive their parchment. If you require a replacement parchment you can log on to nui.ie/services/document-services

Graduates from level 8 or 9 15+ ECTS credit programmes are normally invited to attend our annual Graduation Ceremony in October each year. Students will receive their parchments at the Graduation Ceremony, those in absentia will receive their parchment after the ceremony.


1. In order to access the services your information has been shared with IOB by your employer or you have signed up for the programme through the shopping cart.

2. IOB uses your data to enable your access to and to run the programme. To understand how IOB uses your data please see IOB’s data protection notice https://iob.ie/data-protection

3. Access to the programme is for 12 months from when you are registered. After 12 months you will no longer be able to access the services. You can regain access to the services by purchasing it on www.iob.ie

4. With regard to the skills certificates, these are run on a scheduled basis. Once you click on the skills certificate you will be automatically enrolled to that intake of the skills certificate. You cannot register for an intake for a skills certificate once it has commenced. In such circumstances you will be automatically added to the next intake for that skills certificate.

5. In order to receive your skills certificate you must complete the skills certificate within the scheduled time for that skills certificate intake.

6. If you do not complete a skills certificate to which you are enrolled you will automatically be added to the next intake for that skills certificate.

Professional Designation/Membership of CPD Scheme

Applicants to become designated with a Professional Designation/to become a Member of a CPD Scheme are required to meet the criteria as stated for each designation/entry to a CPD Scheme and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and the continuing obligations pertaining thereto (in accordance with the Articles and Bye-laws of IOB - see terms of Membership).

In order to become designated with and maintain a Professional Designation, you must become and remain a current Professional Member of IOB (you can read these under Documents).

If you are applying for certain Professional Designations (e.g. LCI, CDPO, CFCP, FCI), membership of the Compliance Institute may be required and is stated under each designation overview.

Event Registrations

Our aim is to make your event purchase straightforward, efficient and equitable.

This Event Registration Policy is designed to ensure your satisfaction and understanding of event registration with IOB by telephone or online via iob.ie.


1.1 We refer to any function hosted by IOB either physically at a venue or online (in the form of webinars or other online deliveries) or hosted by a third party for which attendance tickets are issued as “Events”. We provide tickets to these Events on behalf of ourselves and/or other educational partners. We refer to these parties who may organise or provide the event and/or with whom we partner to host events, to make available for purchase by you, as our "Event Partner". This includes Events that are provided free of charge.

1.2 We provide tickets as and when allocated by ourselves and/or Event Partners. The quantity of tickets made available by us vary on an event by event basis and registrations are provided on a first-come basis. Tickets are generally distributed via several channels, including online and telephone.

1.3 Access to tickets for certain events may also be limited to membership of specific bodies or cohorts of individuals at the discretion of IOB (e.g. access may be limited to classes of Membership/Designation categories or students of educational programmes).


2.1 Any event registration is subject to: (i) this Event Registration Policy; (ii) any special terms and conditions which may be displayed on our website; and (iii) the terms and conditions of the Event Partner(s) and/or event, which can be found on their respective websites.

2.2 Your contract for purchase of an Item starts once we have confirmed your purchase and ends immediately after the completion of the event for which you have purchased the Item (or until CPD hours have been awarded to your designation where applicable). All purchases are subject to payment card verification and other security checks and your transaction may be cancelled if it has not passed our verification process or other third party verification checks (such as “Verified by Visa”).

2.3 You agree not to obtain or attempt to obtain any Items through unauthorised use of any robot, spider or other automated device or any other illegal or unauthorised activity. We reserve the right to cancel any transaction which we reasonably suspect to have been made in breach of these provisions without any notice to you and any and all Items purchased as part of such transaction will be void.

2.4 We reserve the right to cancel bookings which we reasonably suspect to have been made fraudulently.


3.1 The price of tickets for specific events may vary and depend on membership of specific bodies such as IOB, Compliance Institute, LIA, ITI or classes of membership or designation within these bodies.

3.2 Whilst we try to ensure that all prices on our website are accurate, errors may occur. If we discover an error in the price of any Item you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price (and credit or debit your account as applicable) or cancelling your order. If we are unable to contact you, you agree that we may treat the order as cancelled. If you choose to cancel after you have already paid the incorrect price, you will receive a full refund from us.


4.1 If you have purchased a ticket you are not entitled to cancel your purchase.


5.1 We email electronic tickets (“eTickets”) to the email address provided at the time of purchase.

5.2 Please allow some time for your eTickets to arrive. If you have not received your eTicket(s) within a reasonable amount of time (typically within 24 hours), please contact us. Please include your reference number and the name and address the booking is made under.

5.3 Your booking is for entry to the event. All customers should contact the customer services department should they not have received their eTickets prior to the event taking place.


6.1 Any ticket you purchase from us remains the property of IOB and is a personal revocable licence which may be withdrawn and admission refused at any time. If this occurs, you will be refunded the sale price of the ticket which has been withdrawn or for which access was refused (excluding any third party order processing fee).

6.2 If replacement eTickets are being issued, we may charge you a reasonable administration fee.

6.3 It is your responsibility to check your eTickets; mistakes cannot always be rectified.

6.4 We, the venue or Event Partner reserve the right to allocate seats (whether before or during the event).


7.1 When ordering tickets from us, you may be limited to a specified number of tickets for each event. Tickets may be restricted to a maximum number per person or per credit card. We reserve the right to cancel tickets purchased in excess of this number without prior notice.

7.2 You may not resell or transfer your ticket. In addition, Event Partners may prohibit the resale or transfer of tickets for some events. Any resale or transfer (or attempted resale or transfer) of a ticket in breach of the applicable law or any restrictions imposed by the Event Partner is grounds for seizure or cancellation of that ticket without refund or other compensation.

7.3 You may not combine a ticket with any hospitality, travel or accommodation service and/or any other merchandise, product or service to create a package, unless formal written permission is given by us and/or the Event Partner.

7.4 A ticket shall not be used for advertising, promotions, contests or sweepstakes, unless formal written permission is given by us and/or the Event Partner, provided that even if such consent is obtained, use of our trademarks and other intellectual property is subject to our prior consent.

7.5 CPD (Continued Professional Development) hours (where applicable and relevant to a designation(s)) are only allocated on full attendance at an event.


8.1 It is your responsibility to ascertain whether an event has been cancelled and the date and time of any rearranged event. If an event is cancelled or rescheduled, we will use reasonable endeavours to notify you of the cancellation. We do not guarantee that you will be informed of such cancellation before the date of the event.

8.2 Please note that advertised start times of events are subject to change.

8.3 Where Events are hosted online, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have adequate technical provisions to access the Event (e.g. that your device has access to the internet, can playback sound etc.)

8.4 Tickets are provided subject to IOB and/or Event Partner´s right to alter or vary the programme due to events or circumstances beyond its reasonable control without being obliged to refund monies or exchange tickets, unless such change is a material alteration as described in paragraph 9.4, in which case the provisions of this paragraph shall apply.


9.1 Occasionally, events are cancelled, rescheduled or materially altered by IOB, speaker or Event Partner for a variety of reasons. Contact us for exact instructions.

9.2 Cancellation: If an event is cancelled (and not rescheduled), you will be offered a refund of the sale price of your ticket(s), excluding any third party order processing fee. If an event takes place over several days and one or more day(s) is/are cancelled (but not all the days constituting the event), a partial refund only may be payable corresponding to the day(s) cancelled.

9.3 Rescheduling: Unless indicated otherwise in relation to a particular event, if an event is rescheduled, you will be offered tickets to the rescheduled event (subject to availability). If you are unable to attend the rescheduled event, you will be offered a refund of the sale price of your ticket(s) excluding any third party order processing fee. You must inform us within the time specified by us if you are unable to attend the rescheduled event, otherwise we may reconfirm your booking for the rescheduled date and you will not be entitled to claim a refund. If the event is moved or rescheduled, the Event Partner may set refund limitations.

9.4 Material alteration: If an event is materially altered, you will be offered an option to either reconfirm your order for the altered event or to claim a refund (of the sale price of your ticket(s) but excluding any third party order processing fee, within such time as specified by us. Failure to inform us of your decision may result in your order being reconfirmed for the altered event and you will not be entitled to claim a refund. A ´material alteration´ is a change which, in our and the Event Partner´s reasonable opinion, makes the Event materially different to the Event that purchasers of tickets, taken generally, could reasonably expect.

9.5 To claim your refund, please apply in writing to IOB, 47-49 Pearse Street, Dublin 2 or by emailing [email protected]

9.6 This Event Registration Policy does not and shall not affect your statutory rights as a consumer. For further information about your statutory rights contact Citizens Information

9.7 We regret that, unless paragraphs 9.2, 9.3 or 9.4 apply, tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded after purchase.


10.1 Personal arrangements including travel, accommodation or hospitality relating to the Event which have been arranged by you, are at your own risk. Neither we nor the Event Partner(s) shall be liable to you for any loss or wasted expenditure.

10.2 Unless otherwise stated in this clause 10, our and the Event Partner(s)' liability to you in connection with the event (including, but not limited to, for any cancellation, rescheduling or material change to the programme of the event) and the Item you have purchased shall be limited to the price paid by you for the item excluding any third party order processing fee.

10.3 Neither we nor the Event Partner(s) will be liable for any loss, injury or damage to any person (including you) or property howsoever caused (including by us and/or by the Event Partner(s)): (a) in any circumstances where there is no breach of a legal duty of care owed by us or the Event Partner(s); (b) in circumstances where such loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach (save for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence); or (c) to the extent that any increase in any loss or damage results from breach by you of any of the terms of this Event Registration Policy and/or any terms and conditions of the Event Partner(s) or your negligence.

10.4 Nothing in this Event Registration Policy seeks to exclude or limit our or the Event Partner(s)' liability for death or personal injury caused by our or the Event Partner(s)' (as relevant) negligence, fraud or other type of liability which cannot by law be excluded or limited.


11.1 The venue reserves the right to refuse admission should patrons breach any terms and conditions of the event or Event Partner. The venue may on occasions have to conduct security searches to ensure the safety of the patrons. Breach of any of these terms and conditions or any unacceptable behaviour likely to cause damage, nuisance or injury shall entitle the Event Partner to eject you from the venue.

11.2 Event Partners reserve the right to refuse admittance to the venue or to remove any person from the venue for reasons of public safety, any unacceptable behaviour likely to cause damage, nuisance or injury or for any breach of the Event Partners´ terms and conditions. 11.3 Every effort to admit latecomers will be made at a suitable break in the event, but admission cannot always be guaranteed.

11.4 There will be no re-admissions at events.

11.5 The unauthorised use of photographic and recording equipment is prohibited. Any photos, videos and/or recordings may be destroyed or deleted. Laser pens, mobile phones, dogs (except guide dogs) and a patron´s own food and drink may also be prohibited (please check with the venue).

11.6 You and other ticket holders consent to filming and sound recording as members of the audience.

11.7 Special effects which may include, without limitation, sound, audio visual, pyrotechnic effects or lighting effects may be featured at an event.


12.1 If you have any queries or complaints regarding your purchase please Contact us quoting your order number or membership number (if applicable) given to you at the conclusion of placing the order.

12.2 Because we sell Items on behalf of Event Partners, we may need to contact them for more information before responding to your query. Some queries can take up to 28 days to resolve, but we will get back to you as soon as possible.

12.3 If any dispute arises, we shall use our reasonable endeavours to consult or negotiate in good faith, and attempt to reach a just and equitable settlement satisfactory to both you, us and the Event Partner.

12.4 As an online trader, pursuant to European Union legislation, we also draw your attention to the European Commission's Online Dispute Resolution platform here, where you can access further information about online dispute resolution. You can also email us at [email protected]


All of these terms and conditions are governed by the law of the Republic of Ireland and any disputes arising out of any transaction with IOB are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Courts.

IOB Learn - Terms of Use




  1. Other Applicable Terms

These Terms refer to the following additional terms, which also apply to your use of IOB Learn:

(a) if you are a member of IOB (including Affiliate Trial Membership) (the Institute of Bankers in Ireland - trading as IOB), the Terms and Conditions of Membership (available here: https://iob.ie/terms);

(b) the IOB Member Data Protection Notice (available here: https://iob.ie/data-protection), which sets out details regarding any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us in connection with your membership, including your use of IOB Learn, the purposes for which we use it and your rights in relation to your personal data; and

(c) any rules or policies applied by any app store or operator (the “App Store”) from whose site or service you download the App (the “App Store Rules”).

2. Information About Us and IOB Learn

2.1 The Institute of Bankers in Ireland is a company limited by guarantee, registered under Part 18 of the Companies Act 2014, and does not have a share capital. It trades as IOB. It is a not-for-profit organisation.

2.2 IOB (“we”, “us”, “our”) is the professional education and membership body for banking and financial services in Ireland. It provides educational services to its members. These services include the provision of educational programmes and conduct of examinations, the conferral of awards and designations and the operation of CPD programmes designed to meet regulatory requirements regarding staff competencies and fitness and probity and the collection of fees for such services.

2.3 IOB Learn intends to support continuous professional development and education by:

(a) providing users with personalised recommendations for educational courses and events, based on the user’s profile which is derived from information relating to the user that is provided to us by the user or that we hold or generate in relation to the user; and

(b) providing access to educational programmes and events hosted by IOB;

(c) enabling users to create and amend the details contained in a user profile on IOB Learn that will be visible to other users of IOB Learn;

(d) enabling users, if they so wish, to follow other users and any content that other users share;

(e) enabling users, if they wish to opt-in to receive notifications relevant to various channels, groups or areas of interest or applicable to them. Users may opt-in/opt-out of receiving these notifications at any time directly through the IOB Learn application.

3. Use of IOB Learn

3.1 By accessing and using IOB Learn, you warrant and represent to us that you have all necessary power and authority to agree to be bound by these Terms and to comply with the provisions of these Terms. You must be over the age of 16 to access IOB Learn.

3.2 Using IOB Learn for the purposes of tracking your education and professional development needs and goals and accessing educational courses and events is permitted. Any other use of the content and software on IOB Learn, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication or display of the content on IOB Learn without our express permission is strictly prohibited.

3.3 IOB Learn, or any portion of IOB Learn, may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose that is not expressly permitted by IOB.

3.4 You must not misuse IOB Learn by knowingly or recklessly introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to IOB Learn or any server, computer or database connected to IOB Learn.

3.5 We reserve the right to refuse access to IOB Learn and/or the services contained therein in our discretion, including, without limitation, if we believe that particular conduct violates applicable law, is harmful to our interests or is in breach of these Terms.

4. Use of the App

4.1 These Terms apply to the App, including any updates or supplements to the App, unless they come with separate terms, in which case those terms apply. If any open-source software is included in the App, the terms of an open-source licence may override some of the terms of these Terms.

4.2 If you do not own the device that will be used to download and operate the App, you must obtain permission from the owner of the device prior to downloading or streaming a copy of the App onto that device. You and they may be charged by your and their service providers for internet access on the device. You accept responsibility in accordance with these Terms for the use of the App on or in relation to any device that you control, whether or not it is owned by you.

5. Intellectual Property

5.1 All content included on IOB Learn, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips and software is our property or the property of our licensors and is protected by applicable copyright and/or other intellectual property laws. You acknowledge that you have no rights in, or to, IOB Learn, other than the right to use IOB Learn in accordance with these Terms.

5.2 In consideration of you agreeing to abide by these Terms, we grant you a personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive, non-sub-licensable right and licence to use IOB Learn and any information contained on or made available through IOB Learn, subject to these Terms.

5.3 Except as expressly set out in these Terms, you agree:

(a) not to copy, reproduce, transmit or distribute any material contained on IOB Learn;

(b) not to make alterations to, or modifications of, the whole or any part of the Site or the App, or permit the Site or the App or any part of the Site or the App to be combined with, or become incorporated in, any other programs; and

(c) not to disassemble, decompile, reverse-engineer or create derivative works based on the whole or any part of the Site or the App or attempt to do any such thing except to the extent that such actions cannot be prohibited by law.

6. Your Obligations

6.1 You agree that you shall:

(a) protect the account username, password and access credentials for IOB Learn provided to you and not share them with or provide them to any other person. You will be responsible for all use of IOB Learn made via your account. If you believe that your account has been compromised or is being used by another person, you should change your password immediately and contact us;

(b) comply with all instructions, policies and procedures relating to IOB Learn that we provide to you, which may include, without limitation, requirements regarding information security standards;

(c) not impersonate any other person or entity or use a false name that you are not authorised to use;

(d) not use IOB Learn for any improper, unlawful or immoral purpose, nor cause any nuisance by your use of IOB Learn nor cause the operation of IOB Learn to be jeopardised or impaired;

(e) not access, store, distribute or transmit any material during the course of your use of IOB Learn that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, infringing, harassing, or racially or ethnically offensive or in a manner that is otherwise illegal or causes damage or injury to any person or property;

(f) not attempt to copy, modify, duplicate, create derivative works from, frame, mirror, republish, download, display, transmit, reverse compile, disassemble, reverse engineer, rent, lease, license, distribute, sell, resell, assign or otherwise transfer your rights to use all or any portion of IOB Learn;

(g) not use IOB Learn or any information obtained from IOB Learn in violation of any applicable local, national or international law or regulation;

(h) not introduce any viruses, worms, malware or other disruptive or destructive code into IOB Learn;

(i) not bypass or breach any measures that we use to restrict access to IOB Learn;

(j) not remove, obscure or modify any proprietary marking or restrictive legends placed on IOB Learn by us; or

(k) not otherwise access or use IOB Learn beyond the scope of the authorization set forth in these Terms or in any manner or for any purpose that is unlawful under applicable law.

7. Audit

7.1 We are entitled but not obliged to monitor and audit your access to and use of IOB Learn and your compliance with these Terms. If we ask you to do so, you must immediately make available to us any information or records in your possession or under your control which relate to these Terms or which we inform you are required to enable us to exercise our rights under these Terms.

7.2 No monitoring, or absence of monitoring, by us shall absolve you of your obligations to comply with these Terms.

8. Data Protection

8.1 We process personal data relating to you and other user in connection with our operation of IOB Learn. Details regarding the personal data that we process, the purposes for which we use it, the third parties with whom we share it and your rights in relation to your personal data are set out in our member data protection notice, which is available at https://iob.ie/data-protection.

9. Suspension and Termination

9.1 We may temporarily suspend your access to IOB Learn at any time, for any reason and without notice, including but not limited to where there is a breakdown, error, defect or malfunction of any part of our systems.

9.2 We may terminate your rights to access and use IOB Learn with immediate effect:

(a) if you are in material breach of these Terms; or

(b) if you are in breach of these terms and fail to remedy the breach within seven days of being notified of the breach by us via IOB Learn or any contact details that you have provided to us.

10. Limitation of Liability

10.1 Access to IOB Learn and any information it contains is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and with no warranties or representations of any kind. We do not warrant that access to and use of IOB Learn will be uninterrupted or error free.

10.2 Except as expressly set out in these Terms, all warranties, representations, terms and conditions relating to the IOB Learn or the information contained therein, express or implied, whether by statute, common law, course of dealing or otherwise, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of third party rights, accuracy, security, availability or reliability are hereby excluded to the greatest extent permitted by law. 10.3 Subject to Clause 10.4, we shall have no liability to you whatsoever, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise for any loss or damage, arising out of or in connection with IOB Learn or otherwise, even if such loss was foreseeable.

10.4 Nothing in these terms shall limit our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, nor any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.

11. Force Majeure

11.1 We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under these Terms that is caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, such as, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of government, acts of terror or civil unrest, technical failures beyond our reasonable control (including, without limitation, inability to access the internet), or acts undertaken by third parties, including without limitation, distributed denial of service attacks.

12. Links to Websites

12.1 IOB Learn may contain links to websites operated by third parties. Such links are provided for your convenience only. We have no control over these websites and we are not responsible for their availability or content. The inclusion on IOB Learn of links to such other websites does not imply any endorsement of the material on such websites or any association with their operators.

13. Variations and Updates

13.1 We reserve the right to vary these Terms and any documents referred to herein at any time. The latest version and that date from which it is effective will be available on IOB Learn. [By continuing to access or use IOB Learn following the effective date of any variation to these Terms you will be deemed to have accepted such variation.

13.2 From time to time updates to the App may be issued through the App Store. Depending on the update, you may not be able to use the App until you have downloaded the latest version of the App and accepted any new terms.

14. General

14.1 These Terms and any document referred to in these Terms (if applicable) shall constitute the entire agreement, and supersede any previous agreement or understanding, between you and us relating to the subject matter of these Terms.

14.2 Nothing in these Terms shall create, or be deemed to create, a partnership or the relationship of principal and agent between you and us.

14.3 You may not assign, novate, sub-contract or otherwise transfer any of your rights or obligations under these Terms.

14.4 No delay, neglect, or forbearance on our part in enforcing any term or condition of these Terms shall either be or be deemed to be a waiver or in any way prejudice any of our rights under these Terms.

14.5 If, at any time, any provision of these Terms (or any part of a provision) is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable, that shall not affect or impair the legality, validity or enforceability of the remainder of these Terms (including the remainder of a provision where only part of it is or has become illegal, invalid or unenforceable).

15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

15.1 These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland and you hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts for the resolution of any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms, including any non-contractual disputes.

15.2 To the extent that you are acting as a consumer, rather than in the course of your business, you will benefit from the mandatory provisions of the laws of the country in which you are resident. Nothing in these Terms, including this provision regarding governing law and jurisdiction, affects your rights as a consumer to rely on such mandatory provisions of your local laws.

16. Contact Us

To contact us, please email [email protected] with your query.

Communications Service Catalogue

As part of the delivery of services to you, IOB uses both email and SMS messaging using the contact details you provide to us as a primary means of communication. IOB also issues notifications via IOB Learn, which you may disable at any time. It is important to keep our records of your contact details up-to-date to receive important notifications and updates relating to your Membership, Programme Registration or CPD Scheme Membership.

You may expect to receive the following types of communications from IOB via these means (depending on the service being provided)


IT Usage

IOB provides significant online supports to members. You are advised that the use of IOB Learn and IT supports is governed by the IT Usage Policy and Code of Conduct of IOB. Therefore you should ensure that you are familiar with this policy and code of conduct. Details are available at iob.ie/ITUsage

Data Protection

For more information about how we use your personal information, the types of information we collect and process and the purposes for which we process personal information, please read our Data Protection Notice available at iob.ie/dataprotection

The General Data Protection Regulation impose obligations on IOB to keep personal data up to date. To help us comply with this obligation, you should notify us of any change of your details by emailing: [email protected] or by phone +353 (0)1 611 6500.

You can also update your personal information at any time via "Quick Links > My Details" section on IOB Learn (where you may also update your marketing preferences).


By submitting IOB forms, you acknowledge that you have read in full, understood and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions set out and referred to here.

Our right to vary these terms and conditions

We reserve the right to revise and amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time and you should consult this site for details of the relevant terms and conditions prior to placing any registration for any of our products and/or services.

You will be subject to the terms and conditions in force at the time that you register with us, unless any change to those terms and conditions is required to be made by law or governmental authority (in which case it will apply to registrations previously placed by you), or if we notify you of the change to the terms and conditions before we send you the Order Confirmation.

Online Dispute Resolution

We always look to resolve issues directly with our customers and our teams will be happy to assist with your queries. Under European Legislation, if you are not satisfied with the way that we propose to resolve any issue you have with a product you have ordered via our website or by telephone, you may raise a complaint with the "European Online Dispute Resolution Platform". You can raise a complaint by following this link: ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/