CPD - Continuing Professional Development

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As an IOB member, you can complete your eCPD and update your CPD record on IOB Learn.

Access CPD

Continuing professional development (CPD) helps you maintain and increase the knowledge and competence you gain from both formal study and professional experience.

Keeping your qualifications and knowledge up to date enables you to meet and exceed customer and regulatory requirements.

Our CPD schemes can help you to meet your CPD requirements under the Central Bank’s Minimum Competency Code, and can help you to develop your career.

Status Confirmation/Verification Request

If you require a letter to verify your CPD status or education details (e.g. periods of study, programme completed), we can provide you with a short confirmation letter. This must be requested by the member through our online form which can be found here, we will not accept requests from an employment agency or any other third party. If you would like us to send the confirmation to an employer or agency please give permission in the form.

Please allow IOB up to 10 working days to action your Status Confirmation or Verification request.

You can download date verified designation certificates for all IOB designations via IOB Learn

Pro Rata (Reduction in hours)

If you are out of work on long-term sick leave (2 months or more) or on statutory leave (e.g. maternity leave or carer’s leave) you can apply for a reduction in your CPD hours. A reduction in hours cannot be requested for career breaks. You will need to provide the following information:

  • Complete the online Pro Rata Form which can be found here.

  • Make sure you attach at least one of the following confirming your leave and dates (i) Letter/email from employer and/or (ii) Other supporting documentation e.g. maternity leave agreement or medical certs

  • All applications should be done through the new online form. Please do not post or email in the old versions of the Pro Rata form as they will not be accepted.

You will receive a notification via email from IOB letting you know if you've been successful with your application for reduced CPD hours within 15 working days.

Finding an event and recording it on your IOB CPD Log

If you attended an IOB event, hold a designation with IOB and the event is relevant to your designation, it will be automatically recorded by us on your IOB CPD Log within 10-15 business days. There is no code required to be recorded by you.

Please note: events must be attended live for the full duration to be awarded CPD hours.

If you have attended an external event that was accredited by IOB and have the CPD code (2023-xxxx) you should record this in your CPD log in IOB Learn.

How to Record a CPD Event:

  • Log into your CPD page in

     IOB Learn

  • Click GO beside your designation

  • Scroll down to CPD Events and enter the relevant code in the 'Record CPD Event' section

  • Click Search

  • Enter the date you attended and venue

  • Click Submit

Search a CPD code

  • Log into your CPD page in

     IOB Learn

  • Click GO beside your designation

  • Scroll down to CPD Events and search event provider & name of the event in the 'Find CPD event code (non IOB)' section

eCPD Modules

IOB’s eCPD modules are available to members On Demand and are available in IOB Learn, They provide members with content across a wide range of subjects relevant to their designation. eCPD modules relevant to your designation can be located in the My eCPD section of IOB Learn and once fully completed will record CPD hours against your CPD requirement.

To access eCPD modules in IOB Learn please follow below:

  • Log in to the Access CPD section in 

    IOB Learn

  • Select GO beside your designation

  • Click My eCPD

Before requesting that an event be accredited, CPD members should check the event look up functionality on the CPD page of IOB Learn as the event may have already been accredited. If so you can get the CPD code from the following page - Click here to access the CPD page.

If the event has not been accredited you can submit a request below. You will be asked to supply a copy of the course material e.g. slides, course outline, syllabus, agenda. However if you do not have these then please ensure sufficient information is provided e.g. topics are provided when completing the form so that we can review the event for all our designation.

However if you have attended one of our events or webinars and it is relevant to you, the hours will be automatically applied to your log about 10 working days after the event.

To submit an application for event accreditation please use the links below.

  • Applications must be made before or within three months of the date the event was held or they will not be approved for CPD hours.

  • For the month of December we will only review events held in December.

If you are applying for CPD hours for an event that has already been approved for CPD hours by the LIA or the Insurance Institute (II) please complete the Accreditation form using the link below and submit  your course material (as outlined above) so that it can be reviewed for all relevant designations.  You will also need to attach the LIA / II confirmation of accreditation letter.

View accreditation form (For events not already accredited, to check this CPD members can go to the event look up functionality on the CPD page of IOB Learn)

View re-accreditation form (this is for events accredited in the past and that have not changed)

We will review your event in line with the criteria for CPD accreditation and revert within 20 working days.

This may take longer during December and January.

For the minimum and maximum number of CPD hours that will be accredited for any single event/activity/topic please refer to your scheme Guidelines and Regulations for CPD criteria. Criteria applies for electronically delivered courses.

View criteria in relation to electronically delivered courses

We may disclose information about events to our trusted education partners and/or their representatives e.g. LIA, Insurance Institute, The Compliance Institute etc. for joint accreditation or relevancy of event purposes.

APA and Grandfather CPD Guidelines and Regulations

QFA CPD Guidelines and Regulations

RSCPD Member CPD Guideline and Regulations

CPD Guidelines and Regulations for the following designations are available by logging into your CPD Downloads Section on IOB Learn:

  • Accredited Funds Professional

  • Certified Bank Director

  • Chartered Banker

  • MCI Board Members

  • Professional Banker

  • Regulatory Reporting Professional

  • Retirement Planning Professional

  • Wealth Management Professional

How do I apply for an adjustment in my CPD hours?

If you are out of work on long term sick leave (2 months or more) or on statutory leave (e.g. maternity leave) you can apply for a reduction in your CPD hours.

The Pro-rata online form can be found here in the CPD section on the IOB website. Hours are not reduced for career breaks.

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How do I access the CPD supports to view my CPD hours log, record hours, access eCPD etc?

On the IOB Learn homepage, within the CPD tab, click the “Access CPD” card. This card will redirect you to the overview CPD page. Click on a designation to view and record CPD hours, complete eCPD modules, access CPD downloads and certificates, and submit accreditation requests. See the IOB Learn User Guide for more details.

I have submitted the designation application form. When will this be processed?

Applications for designations will be processed within 10 working days of receipt. Once it is processed you will receive a welcome letter in the correspondence section of IOB Learn.

How do I get a course accredited for CPD hours?

If you want to have an external event/course accredited for CPD hours you will need to use the online CPD Accreditation Request form.

  • Applications must be made before or within three months of the date the event was held (excluding events held in January 2021 where we will allow five months).

  • For the month of December we will only review events held in December.

Accreditation requests can take up to 15 working days to review. During December and January this can take longer. For further instruction please see the accreditation tab.

We would advise you to first check with your company intranet/training department as the events might have already been submitted to IOB for CPD hours.

Events held annually must be re-accredited each year.

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Where do I find the Zoom details for an event I signed up for?

When you register for an IOB event the Zoom details required to access the event will be available in the 'My Upcoming Events' section of IOB Learn. An email with the Zoom details on the day of the event will no longer be sent out. To access the event please follow these instructions: 1. Login to IOB Learn 2. Under the Quick Links section on the left, click on Events 3. Click on My Upcoming Events 4. Click on the event you're registered to and click the Zoom link

How do I access my eCPD modules?

Log into IOB Learn. Click the “Access CPD” card in the CPD tab. You’ll be redirected to the overview CPD page. Click “Go”on the designation card you want to access. This will bring you to the designation page. Scroll down to the eCPD section or click the eCPD option from the top tab. Click on the relevant eCPD card and this will redirect you to the module.

How many hours do I need to complete by 31 December?

To see what your requirement is, log into IOB Learn and click on your designation(s). Under My Hours for that designation you can see your required and remaining hours. You can see the breakdown of hours recorded by clicking the + button.

The minimum yearly requirement for: • QFAs, APAs, Grandfathers, Registered Stockbrokers, LCOIs and FCOI (Compliance) is 15 hours. • Professional Bankers, Chartered Bankers, Certified Bank Directors and MCI is 6 hours. • CFCPP, CDPO and FCOI (Ethics) is 5 hours. • Personal Insolvency Practitioners is 10 hours.

QFAs, APAs, Grandfathers and Registered Stockbrokers must complete at least 1 hour relevant to each category that they are accredited in and at least 1 hour relevant to ethics.

Professional Bankers and Chartered Bankers must complete at least 3 hours relevant to PB specialist content and CB specialist content respectively, as well as at least 1 hour relevant to ethics.

LCOI, CFCPP, CDPO, FCOIs, Certified Bank Directors and MCIs must complete at least 1 hour relevant to ethics.

Personal Insolvency Practitioners must complete at least 3 ISI Events/ ISI online courses and 1 in ethics.

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What happens if I do not submit an Annual Return?

Failure to submit an Annual Return will result in your being removed from the designation scheme and you will be subject to one or more reinstatement rules to be re-admitted to the scheme. Please make a return even if you have not met your requirement. If you subsequently record more hours after making a return you can make an additional return.

Annual Return: If I do not have enough CPD hours completed should I still make my annual return?

Yes. If you have a shortfall in hours you are still required to make an annual return by 31 January. Following the closing of the annual returns process we will contact you in relation to the shortfall.

NB Failure to submit an Annual Return will result in your being removed from the designation scheme. You will be subject to one or more reinstatement rules to be re-admitted to the scheme.

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What happens if I have a shortfall in hours?

This will depend on your CPD history. If you incur a shortfall for the first time this will be carried to the following year and you will then be required to complete that year’s requirement as well as the shortfall by 31 December. A shortfall warning is also applied to your record and if you fail to meet your yearly requirement again in any of the following 5 years you will lose your designation/CPD membership and be subject to the reinstatement rules as per the CPD guidelines and regulations. If it is your second shortfall in a 5-year period then you will lose your designation/CPD membership and will be put into ‘suspended’ mode until you catch up on the shortfall in hours and pay the reinstatement fee of €100. Suspended members are not included in their firm’s Register of Accredited Persons and are cannot advise/sell under the Central Bank’s Minimum Competency Code (MCC).

What does the designation/CPD fee cover?

The designation fee covers the services and supports provided to members of a CPD scheme. Some of the resources include:

  • Online CPD record - to record, track and manage CPD hours and events

  • Access to free online CPD modules via eCPD via IOB Learn

  • CPD annual update manual (counts for up to four CPD hours for certain schemes)

  • Seminars and webinars on topical subjects

  • Accreditation of in-company and external events for CPD hours

  • Management of annual CPD return, audit and other related services

  • Communications such as hours and annual return reminders.

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What is the Annual Update Manual?

IOB produces a CPD Annual Update Manual each year for retail financial advisers (QFAs and APAs). As the manual contains some material of relevance to PIPs the ISI have awarded 1 CPD hour to PIPs for reading and assimilating the relevant sections i.e. the Debt Management Services chapter and relevant sections in the Housing Loans chapter.

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How do I access the CPD Annual Update Manual?

Login to IOB Learn

  1. Click on ‘Access CPD’

  2. Select GO beside your designation

  3. See Annual Update Manual in the downloads section on this page

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How do I record the CPD Annual Update Manual once I have read it?

  1. Log in to IOB Learn on www.iob.ie

  2. Click on ‘Access CPD’

  3. Select GO beside your designation

  4. Click ‘Record CPD Event’ and insert the accreditation reference number found in the Introduction Section of the manual and the date and venue and select submit.

A short video demonstrating how to record the Annual Update Manual on your CPD log using your mobile can be viewed here or using your desktop see here.

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CPD Audit: I have been selected for audit what do I do?

An audit form has been posted to your IOB correspondence section on IOB Learn. This form lists external to IOB events that you recorded on your CPD log. To comply with audit please do one of the following:

  • Email the signed audit form or attach email confirmation from your employer to [email protected] by the closing date noted on the audit form.

  • Alternatively you can provide confirmation of attendance at each of the events listed on your audit form which should be provided by the event organiser. Where online training has been completed we will accept completion certificates. All confirmations must show your name, the event name and the date.

If you completed all IOB events and/or IOB eCPD modules and you are Immediately Compliant, you do not need to do anything. You can find your audit outcome in the Correspondence Section in IOB Learn.

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CPD Audit: Do I need to send in supporting documentation if the audit form is signed by my employer?

  • If the form is signed or an email confirmation is provided by your employer, there is no need to send supporting documents

CPD Audit: I am on maternity leave / sick leave do I still need to return the audit?

We recommend you forward the audit form to your manager / employer by email and they can email your confirmation to us at [email protected] on your behalf. If your manager / employer is unable to do this, please contact us at [email protected]

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CPD Audit: Can we accept a typed manager signature on the audit form?

We cannot accept typed manager signatures on the audit form. We recommend you forward the audit form to your manager / employer by email and they can email your confirmation to us directly at [email protected] on your behalf. If your manager / employer is unable to do this, please contact us at [email protected]

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CPD Audit: I have not received my outcome yet

Due to the number of audits received, it will take a number of weeks to check and verify the information members declared as part of their CPD Annual Return.

  • When your audit has been reviewed you will receive an Audit Outcome Letter in the Correspondence Section in IOB Learn.

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CPD Audit: Can I post my audit letter and/or supporting documents to IOB?

Unfortunately, we are not accepting documentation by post at this time. Please email your audit documents to our dedicated email address for audits at [email protected]

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CPD Audit: How long does the audit take?

Due to the number of audits received, it will take a number of weeks to check and verify the information members declared as part of their CPD Annual Return.

  • When your audit has been reviewed you will receive an Audit Outcome Letter in the Correspondence Section in IOB Learn.

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CPD Audit: I am self-employed can I sign the form?

You cannot self-certify the audit. It must be signed by another person who can confirm your attendance at the events. i.e. HR personnel, another Director or ideally you should provide the supporting documents for each event listed on the audit form.

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CPD Audit: I left my employer and have no supporting documentation

If you do not have access to your confirmations, we can accept an email from your current/previous manager or HR department to confirm your attendance at the events listed on your audit form. The email should be sent to [email protected] Please contact them and let them know you are being audited and request a copy of your confirmation/attendance at the events

  • If you cannot provide evidence of attendance the events, they cannot be counted and will be removed from your record. You may then incur a shortfall and should refer to the CPD Guidelines at iob.ie/cpdrules for the rules around shortfall. We would advise that you send in the supporting documentation for the rest of the events you attended and note on your email to us, to exclude the events with no attendance/completion record.

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CPD Audit: I do not have supporting documents for the event(s) what do I do?

If you do not have access to your confirmations, we can accept an email from your current/previous manager or HR department to confirm your attendance at the events listed on your audit form. The email should be sent to [email protected] Please contact them and let them know you are being audited and request a copy of your confirmation/attendance at the events

  • If you cannot provide evidence of attendance the events, they cannot be counted and will be removed from your record. You may then incur a shortfall and should refer to the CPD Guidelines at iob.ie/cpdrules for the rules around shortfall. We would advise that you send in the supporting documentation for the rest of the events you attended and note on your email to us, to exclude the events with no attendance/completion record

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CPD Audit: I have been selected for an audit for a couple of years, why has this happened?

A percentage of members are selected for CPD audit each year at random by a computer-generated programme. All members who made a return for the year being audited are eligible for selection regardless of whether they have been selected in previous years. Therefore, there is a probability of members being selected two years in a row, three years in a row and so on

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Annual CPD Requirements:

Hours must be completed by 31 December each year.

Annual return must be returned by 31 January each year.

Please check your online CPD log for your CPD requirement. The below is only a summary of the annual requirement and does not include any pro rata or shortfall applied.

Qualified Financial Adviser (QFA)

  • 15 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to each of the categories* 1,2,3,7 & 8

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Accredited Professional Adviser (APA)

  • 15 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to each category* accredited in

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

RS CPD Member

  • 15 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to category* 3 and each additional category* accredited in.

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics


  • 15 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to each category* accredited in

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Asset Management Professional (AMP)

  • 15 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to each category* accredited in

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

  • active QFA Designation

*Categories of Retail Financial Product: 1.Life Assurance, 2.Pensions, 3.Savings & Investment, 4.Personal General Insurance, 5.Commercial General Insurance, 6. Private Medical Insurance and Associated Insurances, 7. Housing Loans, Home Reversion Agreements and Associate Insurances, 8. Consumer Credit and Associated Insurances

Professional Banker (PB)

  • 6 hours in total

  • 3 hours specialist content*

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Chartered Bankers (CB)

  • 6 hours in total

  • 3 hours specialist content*

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Retirement Planning Professional (RPP)

  • 6 hours in total

  • 3 hours specialist content*

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Wealth Management Professional (WMP)

  • 6 hours in total

  • 3 hours relevant to Specialist Content*

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

  • active APA in Pensions

Accredited Funds Professional (AFP)

  • 10 hours in total

  • 5 hours relevant to Specialist Content*

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

*Specialist Content is content provided via IOB events and or IOB online modules

Personal Insolvency Practitioners (PIP)

  • 10 hours in total

  • 3 hours relevant to ISI events / ISI online modules

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Regulatory Reporting Professional (RRP)

  • 6 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Certified Bank Director (CBD)

  • 6 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Certified Investment Fund Director (CIFD)

  • 6 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Mortgage Credit Intermediary (MCI)

  • 6 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Licentiate of Compliance Institute (LCI)

  • 15 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Fellow of Compliance Institute (FCI Compliance)

  • 15 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Fellow of Compliance Institute (FCI -Ethics)

  • 5 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Certified Financial Crime Professional (CFCP)

  • 5 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Certified Data Protection Officer (CDPO)

  • 5 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Certified Ethics and Culture Advisor (CECA)

  • 5 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics

Certified Fintech Risk and Compliance Professional (CFRCP)

  • 6 hours in total

  • 1 hour relevant to ethics