Wed, 30 August 2023
13:00 - 13:45
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Wed, 30 August 2023
13:00 - 13:45
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Compliance Professionals – take the next step in your career to become a future compliance leader. Eavan Garvey, will join us to discuss how the Compliance function in your company supports the organisation. In this programme taster for the MSc in Compliance, we will introduce you to the MSc in Compliance programme. We will focus on how the programme seeks to develop participant’s skills in compliance leadership and to understand the importance of ethics in compliance. The programme also focuses on developing compliance leaders with the ability to operate at a strategic and predictive level, anticipating and delivering on organisations’ increasingly complex regulatory and governance regimes. The registration for the event will close once we reach capacity.
Registration for this event will close at midnight the night prior to the event or when it reaches capacity.
There is 0.5 CPD hour available for the following designations:
-FCI (Compliance)
Eavan Garvey, Chief Compliance Officer at Elavon / US Bancorp (Europe) is a highly experienced and versatile risk and compliance leader. Eavan has significant experience at senior leadership level roles with 20 years’ experience across the major Irish Banks. She has in depth experience of developing and executing risk strategies, risk frameworks, risk policies and mandates across complex organisations. Eavan has also worked with banks to modernise compliance functions; developing culture and risk culture strategies and key success measures to drive better Compliance and Conduct outcomes as well as utilising agile approaches to compliance oversight of large scale change projects. Eavan is the US Bancorp Ethics Ambassador for Europe. Eavan previously lectured on Conduct Risk for the Institute of Banking and has spoken on Conduct Risk and Culture at various Irish and international conferences and events. Specialities: Conduct Risk & Culture, Regulation, Compliance. Retail and Corporate Banking.
Michael is CEO of the Compliance Institute. As CEO, Michael is responsible for providing leadership and direction to the organisation as well as managing its overall operations.
Michael is a Board member and Chair of the audit committee of Carmichael, vice chair of the Sport Ireland/FAI Governance Oversight Group, a council member and Chair of the Education Committee of CPA Ireland, a member of the CRSC Consultative Working Group for ESMA, and a member of the Irish committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales.