Brett Rogers


United States

Brett is General Counsel and a member of the executive leadership team of Brown Advisory, a global investment firm with USD 115 billion in client assets.  Brett leads the teams responsible for management of legal matters, regulatory compliance, board relations, corporate secretarial functions, and internal audit.

Brett previously served in roles at Deutsche Asset Management, including Global Head of Risk Governance, Chief Compliance Officer of Deutsche Asset Management (Japan) Ltd., Deputy Chief Compliance Officer of the DWS Funds, and Chief Compliance Officer of the NYSE-listed Germany Funds.

Brett is a Director of Brown Advisory (Ireland) Limited, Brown Advisory Funds plc, and Brown Advisory (Bermuda) Ltd.  He is also an outside director of several charitable institutions. Brett is a graduate of Georgetown University (AB), the University of Maryland R.H. Smith School of Business (MBA), and the University of Maryland Carey School of Law (JD).

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