Maura Moore

Portfolio Investment Management and Governance


Maura Moore MBA has over 25 years’ national and international experience having held strategic leadership roles across diverse growth sectors spanning financial services incl. capital markets financing of social housing and high growth SMEs, venture capital, professional services advisory, industry led economic development, higher education, research and innovation, ICT, healthcare and med tech. She has held senior corporate roles in strategy, governance, operational risk management, venture financing, fund portfolio investment management, enterprise/venture scaling, large programme/project management, corporate venturing, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, in addition to board (executive and non-executive director) appointments over course of her career.

She serves on the Audit Committee, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. She is external board member (reappointed) and Deputy Chair Maynooth University Governing Authority and chairperson of the board 'Finance, Human Resources and Campus Development / Capital Projects' standing committee. Maura is a trustee and board member of Business to Arts.

Maura is a CIFD with IOB and accredited Chartered Director (CDir) with the Institute of Directors.

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