Wed, 22 November 2023
12:00 - 13:00
Your event Zoom link is available via IOB Learn, but will also be emailed to you before 11am on the morning of your event.
Wed, 22 November 2023
12:00 - 13:00
Your event Zoom link is available via IOB Learn, but will also be emailed to you before 11am on the morning of your event.
Denis Kelleher, IOB associate faculty, will discuss recent developments in data protection law. In this programme taster events for the Professional Certificate in Data Protection (NFQ Level 9), we'll discuss why the programme was developed and how it can provide Data Protection Officers and Compliance Officers with the professional qualities and expert knowledge of data protection law. The start date for the programme is 6th February 2024 and applications are now open. Apply online here:
Registration for this event will close at midnight the night prior to the event or when it reaches capacity.
This event is available to IOB Members. If you are not currently a member, you can sign up here!
There is 0.5 CPD available for the following designations:
-APA (all categories except ethics)
-QFA (all categories except ethics)
-RS (all categories except ethics)
-FCOI Compliance
-RPP (Specialist Content)
-WMP (Specialist Content)
-AFP (Specialist Content)
-AMP (Specialist Content)
Denis has a deep understanding and experience of Privacy and Data Protection law. He is co-author of EU Data Protection Law, Bloomsbury Professional, and author of "Privacy and Data Protection Law in Ireland". Denis delivers IOB’s Professional Certificate in Data Protection, UCD accredited programme at level 9.
Previously Denis was Senior Legal Counsel in the Central Bank of Ireland, and advised on the Central Credit Register and other major data processing projects; Legal Counsellor in the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU, represented Ireland at the negotiations that drafted the text of the Lisbon Treaty; Advisory Counsel in the Office of the Attorney General; and Barrister in private practice.
Evelyn Cregan is Company Secretary, and Director of Executive Education at IOB. Her education portfolio in IOB covers governance, compliance, culture, sustainable finance and FinTech programmes. Evelyn spent over a decade lecturing in UCD, Smurfit, and Quinn Schools of Business across executive education, finance, accounting, and tax.
Evleyn is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland, qualifying with KPMG and a Fellow of the Chartered Governance Institute (ICSA).