University College Dublin
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I know, let’s sign upI have an account, let me sign in firstThe programme is a unique and specialist risk management programme for those working in the banking industry. The programme was designed in conjunction with operational risk and conduct risk professionals working in banking, this Certificate is the benchmark operational risk management and conduct risk management qualification for the banking industry in Ireland.
University College Dublin
Propel your career
The programme is a progression for individuals who have completed the Professional Diploma in Financial Advice, who are designated Qualified Financial Advisers (QFA), and also individuals who have completed the Professional Certificate or Diploma in Compliance.
PRMIA and the PRMIA Global Operational Risk Manager Certificate
PRMIA is a global brand in risk management education with more than 50,000 members worldwide. Over 2,400 companies employ PRMIA designates, demonstrating that employers around the world realise that PRMIA’s education programmes equip participants with the specialised knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the dynamic banking industry. PRMIA is active in nearly every major financial centre worldwide with members in over 65 countries.
Upon successful completion of the programme, participants will be awarded the Professional Certificate in Conduct Risk, Culture and Operational Risk Management by UCD. This is a level 8 qualification on the National Framework of Qualifications and carries 15 ECTS.
Participants can then apply directly to PRMIA, at no additional fee, to be awarded the globally recognised PRMIA Operational Risk Manager Certificate. Completing this programme will allow participants to stand out among their peers, providing participants with a competitive advantage with colleagues, clients, and prospective employers by developing the necessary skills and experience needed to succeed in today’s dynamic work environment.
The PRMIA Global Operational Risk Manager Certificate is recognised as the industry standard for Operational Risk. You can find more details here
The programme is designed to provide a deep and practical understanding of the key operational risks and conduct risks facing financial services professionals in Ireland today and the tools to identify, measure and mitigate those risks to improve business performance.
The programme is relevant to holders of the QFA, holders of the Professional Certificate or Diploma in Compliance, banking compliance and risk professionals, financial institutions’ frontline staff, retail business centre and corporate banking staff, financial institutions central functions risk and compliance professionals including;
Compliance, Operational risk, Internal Audit, Credit review, Legal, Finance, Technology, Change Management. Credit Union Board compliance and risk committees and Credit Union managers and staff, Regulatory bodies, auditors, accountants, lawyers, stockbrokers, business consultants and other professionals who provide risk management advisory services.
This specialist programme will provide you with the skills to:
Explain the key risks facing banks in Ireland and discuss the strategies to manage them
Outline the components of risk management frameworks and advise colleagues and management on their application
Evaluate risk MI including Key Risk Indicator (KRI) data and trend analysis and communicate clearly relevant insights to the appropriate stakeholders in an appropriate format and timely manner
Independently apply the learning skills developed on this programme to advance your professional and personal career ambitions
Review CBI, ECB, and other relevant sources for advances in best practice in banking risk management practices, and advocate for their adoption within your work environment as appropriate.
If you hold an IOB designation or a designation managed by IOB, CPD hours may be awarded on successful completion of this programme.
Operational Risk Management Practices module is assessed by:
MCQ continuous assessment - 10%
An end of trimester two-hour written exam - 90%
Banking Risk Management Framework, Culture and Conduct Risk module is assessed by:
Continuous assessment - 30%
An end of trimester two-hour written exam - 70%
IOB programmes are largely delivered and assessed online. Students should ensure they have appropriate equipment (laptop), and that appropriate software (including MSOffice: Office and Word) is available to them to participate in the programme and related assessments (continuous assessments and exams).
When you successfully complete this programme you will be awarded the Professional Certificate in Conduct Risk, Culture and Operational Risk Management by UCD.
This is a special purpose award and a level 8 qualification on the National Framework of Qualifications.
The Professional Education Framework is a flexible education pathway that provides learning and development opportunities wherever you are in your career. You can access the framework at any step to take specialist qualifications depending on your career and learning need. Please click here to view the 2024/25 portfolio of programmes.
Operational Risk Management Practices €625
Banking Risk Management Framework, Culture and Conduct Risk €520
Summer Trimester 2025 - (Assessment in September 2025)
28 May 2025
16 May 2025
This programme enrols three times a year. To see other enrolment dates in the 2024-25 academic year, please click on Key Dates.
For more information please contact the Programme Manager Calum Conneely at [email protected]
(NFQ Level 8, 10 ECTS)
Operational risk defined. The importance of operational risk and the Probability Risk and Impact SysteM (PRISM). The differences between operational risk and other types of risk. Recent failures in operational risk. Operational risk basics. Three lines of defence. Operational risk taxonomies. Operational risk management frameworks. Risk capacity. Risk appetite statements. Risk policies. Risk pricing and capital. Risk information, Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) reporting and KRI framework. Risk assessment. Risk management and action plans. Risk modelling. Insurance mitigation.
The practical workshop areas will include inter alia: Financial crime prevention. Anti–Money Laundering/Countering of Financing of Terrorism. Know Your Customer, Irish and UK. Anti- Corruption laws. External and internal fraud. Information security, IT resilience, cybercrime. Outsourcing. Business continuity planning. Data quality and other practical areas.
(NFQ Level 8, 5 ECTS)
Definition of conduct risk: How does conduct risk transpire. Application to retail and wholesale markets. Conduct risk as defined by the FCA and what lies at its core i.e. seeking the best outcome for the customer. Drivers/causes of conduct risk. Constituents of conduct risk including behavioural economics. Conduct risk frameworks and its relationship with the overall banking risk framework. Conduct risk appetite statements. Conduct risk policies and common metrics for assessing conduct risk performance in an organisation. How conduct risk relates to operational risk. The difference between conduct risk and compliance. Conduct risk impacts on customers, on employees, the financial institution and on markets (positive/negative). How ethical behaviours and decisions can improve customer outcomes. Applying the theory to a number of real life Irish and UK examples using case studies. Risk governance. People, roles and responsibilities. The Board .The CRO. Wider reporting. Systems and documentation. Risk management process. Risk culture. Leadership and risk culture. The role of the risk management function in risk culture. The place of other staff in risk culture. Evaluating risk culture.
Level 7 and 8 Key Dates 2024/25
Examination schedule 2023/2024
Summer Trimester 2025 - (Assessment in September 2025)
28 May 2025
16 May 2025
Individuals seeking admission to the Professional Certificate in Conduct Risk, Culture and Operations Risk Management will have:
3 years’ experience (full-time) in a relevant banking role and have completed the Professional Diploma in Financial Advice or equivalent 30 ECTS level 7 programme or
Have an Honours degree (min. H2.2, level 8 NFQ) or
Admission will also be considered from experienced professionals who do not meet the minimum admission requirements as set out above, who can demonstrate learning based on work and training experience e.g. Individuals employed in a risk role with responsibility for decision-making.
You must be a current member of IOB, or become a member, to undertake this programme, (membership year - January to December).
For more information on the membership fee and the benefits of being an IOB member, please click here.
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