University College Dublin
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I know, let’s sign upI have an account, let me sign in firstThe Professional Diploma in Corporate Banking Credit is a specialist programme for people working or seeking to work in corporate banking and who provide services to large, privately owned and publicly quoted companies including property lending to property developers and investors.
University College Dublin
Designed by industry, for industry
The programme was designed in conjunction with corporate banking professionals working in Irish corporate banking and is the benchmark qualification for corporate banking in Ireland.
The programme is a very important building block in developing the specialist knowledge and lending skills of people working in corporate banking and other professional advisors who work with corporate entities.
This programme is designed to meet the needs of:
Graduates of the Professional Diploma in SME Credit who are moving into corporate banking roles
Corporate banking relationship managers and their lending portfolio support staff
Corporate banking staff who are working in property-based corporate lending
Corporate and SME Credit underwriters
Loan administration and credit policy officers
Credit review staff who are responsible for ensuring that lending and credit delivery standards are complied with
Internal audit staff who assess whether the credit management standards are fit for purpose and are being complied with
Credit portfolio managers who are responsible for identifying and managing excessive credit concentrations in the loan book, forecasting loan losses and estimating impairment provisions
Accountants, lawyers and other professionals who provide corporate banking advisory services.
This specialist programme has been designed to enable you to:
Understand the components of the credit risk management framework, including credit risk appetite statements and how it links to the profit and loss, balance sheet and the customer
Understand the regulation of published financial accounts
Credit assess the credit worthiness of corporate borrowers - both trading and property borrowers
Assess corporate strategy, industry, economic and management team risk
Conduct corporate financial statement analysis including financial ratios, financial projection sensitivity analysis, preparation of cashflow statements and working capital analysis
Calculate and analyse repayment capacity
Evaluate the commercial viability and sustainability of a corporate borrower business plan and the management team’s ability to deliver the plan
Structure corporate lending transactions in a manner which meets the needs of the corporate borrower and comply with credit policies
Describe a structured approach to analyse property credit risk
Understand the key components of credit risk relating to property transactions
Understand the key components of security documentation relating to property transactions
Understand the key market indicators which highlight early warning signals in property transactions
Understand the different types of corporate security
Explain covenants and conditions precedent
Explain the key components of term sheets
Understand the different types of debt instruments which can be used when structuring a corporate lending transaction
Understand the role of external credit agencies
Understand ethics in banking
Describe and explain the different interest rate risk hedging, currency risk hedging and international trade products and services which can be offered corporate customers.
If you hold an IOB designation or a designation managed by IOB, CPD hours may be awarded on successful completion of this programme.
For the module Principles and Practices of Credit Risk Management:
Combination of MCQ continuous assessment and end of trimester examination
Exam duration: 120 minutes
For the module Corporate Credit Risk Assessment:
End of trimester examination
Exam duration: 120 minutes
For the module Corporate Banking Risk Management Products:
End of trimester examination
Exam duration: 120 mins
IOB programmes are largely delivered and assessed online. Students should ensure they have appropriate equipment (laptop), and that appropriate software (including MSOffice: Office and Word) is available to them to participate in the programme and related assessments (continuous assessments and exams).
When you successfully complete this programme you will be awarded a Professional Diploma in Corporate Banking Credit from UCD.
This is a special purpose award and a level 8 qualification on the National Framework of Qualifications.
The Professional Education Framework is a flexible education pathway that provides learning and development opportunities wherever you are in your career. You can access the framework at any step to take specialist qualifications depending on your career and learning need. Please click here to view the 2024/25 portfolio of programmes.
Principles and Practices of Credit Risk Management: €625
Corporate Credit Risk Assessment: €625
Corporate Banking Risk Management Products: €520
Summer Trimester 2025 - (Assessment in September 2025)
28 May 2025
16 May 2025
This programme enrols twice a year. To see other enrolment dates in the 2024-25 academic year, please click on Key Dates.
For more information please contact the Programme Manager, Susan Freeney at [email protected]
(NFQ Level 8, 10 ECTS)
Key categories of risks to which banks are exposed with focus on credit risk.
Basel principles for the management of credit risk.
Bank risk appetite frameworks.
Components of the credit risk management framework.
Credit portfolio management and credit concentration risk.
Credit risk appetite statements.
Credit culture.
The end to end credit process.
Overview of the canons of lending.
Credit application process.
Bank capital.
Risk weighted assets.
Basel II & Basel III, Basel IV.
Minimum Regulatory Requirements.
Introduction to credit models.
Impairment provisioning.
Stress testing.
Impairments and capital.
Pricing for risk.
Key Lessons from Irish banking crises, Honohan Report, Regling & Watson, Nyberg.
(NFQ Level 8, 10 ECTS)
Objectives and challenges of corporate credit.
Relationship banking, ethics, compliance.
Corporate strategy including industry, economic and management team risk assessment.
Credit assessment including assessment of corporate property lending transactions.
Structuring credit transactions.
Debt instruments and use when structuring a transaction.
Term sheets and loan administration.
Different techniques for valuing a company.
Role of external credit ratings, analysis in corporate credit analysis and structuring.
Regulation of published accounts.
Primary statements in financial reporting.
Analysing financial information from a corporate bankers perspective including consolidated income statement, statement of financial position and cash flow.
Risks from the manipulation of accounts.
Calculating and analysing repayment capacity.
Preparation of cash flow statements.
Understanding working capital analysis.
Conducting a financial projections sensitivity analysis.
Different types of corporate security and legal issues affecting security.
Setting covenants and stress testing financial covenants. Monitoring and control framework.
(NFQ Level 8, 5 ECTS)
Foreign Exchange Risk Management Strategies and Products.
Interest Rate Risk Management Strategies and Products.
Treasury Investment Services.
Money Markets Instruments.
Capital Markets Regulation including EDIR and MIFID.
Understanding Marketable Securities.
Centralised Cash Pooling and Zero-Balancing options for international companies.
Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA).
Correspondent Banking & Settlement of International Transactions.
Foreign Currency and International Payment Accounts.
International Electronic Payments Services.
Risks associated with International Trade.
The role of Banks in relation to International Trade.
Export Finance Facilities.
Documentary credits and collection.
Bills of Exchange.
Invoice Finance.
Debtors ledgers and invoice finance.
Medium and Long Term Export Finance.
Export Credit Insurance (ECI).
Types of Asset Finance.
Leasing and Hire Purchase.
Bank agreements relating to international products and services.
Level 7 and 8 Key Dates 2024/25
Summer Trimester 2025 - (Assessment in September 2025)
28 May 2025
16 May 2025
a) Individuals seeking admission to the Professional Certificate in Corporate Banking Credit will have 3 years’ experience (full time) in a relevant banking role and completed the Professional Diploma in Financial Advice or equivalent 30 ECTS Level 7 programme
b) Individuals who possess an honours degree (Min. Hons 2.2, Level 8 NFQ)
c) Admission will also be considered from experienced professionals who do not meet the minimum admission requirements as set out above, who can demonstrate learning based on work and training experience e.g. Individuals employed in a corporate credit role with responsibility for credit decisions in financial services.
You must be a current member of IOB, or become a member, to undertake this programme, (membership year - January to December).
For more information on the membership fee and the benefits of being an IOB member, please click here.
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