Mon, 15 August 2022
13:00 - 13:45
Online via Zoom- Zoom link will only be available on IOB Learn
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Mon, 15 August 2022
13:00 - 13:45
Online via Zoom- Zoom link will only be available on IOB Learn
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Programme Information Session
Today, more than ever Risk Management continues to be top of the talent agenda in Financial services.
Below is information on our two online part time market leading postgraduate Risk Management Programmes (UCD Awarded) to enhance your future career options in Financial Services. Applications are now open.
The faculty on these programmes are highly respected in the Irish market for both their expertise and practical applications. Both programmes will commence with Term 1 in October and we are accepting applications now.
Programme 1: Professional Diploma in Advanced Banking Risk Management Available for up to 30% funding via IFS Skillnet and accredited by UCD, the online Professional Diploma in Advanced Banking Risk Management at Level 9 is the market leading, risk management programme designed specifically for senior risk management professionals who are working in roles in banking, funds, regulatory authorities and those providing risk management advisory services.
Programme 2: Professional Diploma in Advanced Operational Risk Management in Financial Services The Level 9 Professional Diploma in Advanced Operational Risk Management in Financial Services has been designed in conjunction with operational risk management professionals working in financial services, and leading academics in operational risk management. It will equip participants with a deep, practical understanding of operational risk management frameworks and measurement methodologies in financial institutions. Showcasing extensive academic thinking and rigor as well as unique, real-world insights from our partners Bank of Ireland, Citi and Deloitte, this qualification is the benchmark operational risk qualification accredited by University College Dublin.
Both of these programmes are on The Pathway to the MSc in Financial Services - a flexible framework that allows students acquire the MSc in three stand-alone, professional diploma ‘bite-sized chunks'. This Pathway enables professionals to select from a range of professional postgraduate diplomas and combine them over time to attain an MSc.
Ken is the Deputy Chief Executive of the Institute of Banking, Non -Executive Director of The European Banking & Financial Services Training Association (EBTN) and a member of International Advisory Committee of the Chartered Banker Institute (UK)
Ken is a fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland, fellow of the Institute of Banking and completed his chartered accounting training with PwC. He graduated from University College Cork with a BComm Degree and from University College Dublin with an MBS in Financial Services Degree. Ken lectures in UCD at postgraduate and executive education levels as an associate member of the faculty. Ken has extensive international financial reporting and financial management teaching and examining experience at undergraduate, postgraduate, executive education levels and on various international professional accounting education programmes (CAI, ACCA, CPA, CIMA) for over 30 years. He is an external examiner with Chartered Accountants Ireland is a former accounting and finance lecturer at the University of Limerick.
Ken was the former General Manager for business banking, corporate banking and institutional banking with Danske Bank for Ireland and was a member of the Bank’s Executive Committee. Ken was the Head of the credit team at the Central Bank of Ireland and led the CBI credit and asset quality interaction with the Troika during 2010 -2012 and was responsible for the delivery of all credit-related projects. During 2012, 2011, 2010, he led the CBI’s asset quality reviews, data validation and integrity reviews of the Irish covered financial institutions (AIB, BOI, PTSB, EBS, Anglo) mandated by the Troika under the Financial Measures Programme for Ireland (PCAR and PLAR). Ken was also a member of the Government working committee established to set up the loan guarantee scheme for the Irish SME sector.