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CPD – get yourself ready for the end of the year

Catching up on CPD ahead of the end of year deadline? Here’s all you need to know to meet your CPD requirements and get ready for the end of the year.

1. Complete your hours 

We know this sounds obvious, but you need to have all your CPD hours done by the 31 December 2024. Even if you complete an eCPD module at 1am on 1 January 2025 this will count towards your 2025 hours.

To meet your annual CPD hour requirement you must also have completed at least one CPD hour in Ethics. 

Your CPD dashboard on IOB Learn will let you know what your requirements are.  

2. Do you need an event/course/training reviewed for CPD hours? 

If you have attended an event or completed a course that was not run by us, you might be able to get CPD hours for it. If this course was run by your employer, check to see if they have the code you need so that you can claim CPD hours for it. If they do not have the code, you can submit events to be accredited.   You can also use our Event code look up functionality under the CPD Events section of your IOB Learn CPD page to check if an event has already been accredited.

  • To submit an application for event accreditation please click here.  

  • Applications must be made before or within three months of the date the event was held, or they will not be approved for CPD hours.  

  • For the month of December, we only review events held in December. 

 3. Have you paid your fees? 

To be fully compliant you need to have paid your IOB membership and designation fees for 2024. If your fees are outstanding, you can log in here to pay them. 

4. Can we reduce your hours? 

If you have been on sick leave for two or more months or if you have been on maternity leave, carers leave or parental leave, we can reduce your CPD hour requirement.  

Please complete the CPD hours adjustment form which you can download here and return with all supporting documentation. 

5. Have you remembered to record the Annual Update Manual

The Annual Update Manual could be worth up to 4 CPD hours for you and is available on the CPD Dashboard for your designation in IOB Learn.   

Once you have downloaded, read and assimilated the content of the Annual Update Manual, please return to this page and complete the declaration by ticking the box. The hours will automatically be applied to your CPD log.  

6. NEW: No requirement to submit your annual return 

From 2024 onwards you will no longer be required to submit an annual return. Your CPD hours, as before, must be completed by 31st December, 2024.

Each year from November onwards, we will periodically check your CPD log and when it shows that you have met the required CPD hours, your return will be submitted automatically. You will receive an email confirmation to notify you of this submission, which will be available in the correspondence section of your IOB Learn account.

We encourage you to continue utilising the CPD resources available to you and to participate in relevant live events. These activities will be recorded on your CPD log as appropriate even if your annual return has been submitted.

There will be a short grace period in January to log any non-IOB events completed in 2024. Each time you record an event not organised by IOB you will be asked to sign a declaration to confirm your attendance and agree that you will keep a record of your attendance.

As per the scheme rules the CPD hours you record on your online CPD record should have a wide spread of topics and conform to the criteria as set out in the CPD Guidelines & Regulations (see downloads section of this page).

If you hold more than one designation a return will be submitted as you meet the requirements for each designation.

If you have not met your CPD hour requirements a return will be submitted for you in January showing a shortfall in CPD hours. The uncompleted hours from the previous year will be added to your annual requirement for the current year. A shortfall warning will also be added to your account. Two shortfalls in a five year period will result in the removal of your designation and you would be subject to reinstatement rules.